1. Intensive start-up guidance

Intensive start-up guidance

Inschrijving gesloten

Aanmelden voor start-up begeleiding is momenteel gesloten. Vanaf oktober is dit weer mogelijk!

We have room for a select number of start-ups per year.

  • Are you an ambitious company that is less than 3 years old?
  • Are you located in the vicinity of Amsterdam and will clearly benefit from our knowledge of information law?

If so you have a chance to become one of the lucky start-ups.

Clinic Law Incubator needs the following information to achieve a better understanding of the legal issues and challenges that you as a start-up face. We will also use your response to better understand the start-ups needs and improve the operation of Law Incubators (Clinics) for start-ups. Perhaps this year we’ll be helping your company through the start-up phase!

These are the legal issues CLINIC can help you with:

  1. Privacy Policy & Data protection How to handle (collection, use, storage) of ‘personal data’, big or small, of your employees, customers, users of a service, web visitors, etc. How you deal with personal information you gather.
  2. E-commerce The security of the online transactions through your website; liability for harmful/unlawful third party content; online advertising/ marketing; the guidelines for distance selling you need to follow such as providing a right to withdrawal; etc.
  3. Electronic communications The compliance of your company with telecom regulations; for example does your company comply with telecom regulations including obligations relating to access and interconnection, and security of networks and services.
  4. Non-Disclosure Agreement How you deal with confidential information about the company and ideas. How ideas can be protected when negotiating with interested parties.
  5. Intellectual Property Rights Your logo, brand, website, software, copyright, etc. What do I need to think of when creating a logo and choosing a trade name? How do I protect my brand and website? How can I protect my ideas and product? What must I do to prevent being liable for infringement of third party intellectual property rights (copyright, trademarks, patents, design rights)?
  6. Contract & consumer law What type of contracts do you need dealing both with other companies (B2B), consumers (B2C), funders/investors, production companies, etc., and how do you create them? Which specific rules do you need to take into account when dealing with consumers (e.g. consumer rights in case of distance selling)? How can you enforce your contractual agreements?
  7. Terms and conditions What standard agreement(s) do I need in my relations with customers/clients (both B2B and B2C) for the provision/sale of services/products. What key provisions (e.g. liability, price, delivery,…) should they contain?
The following legal issues we cannot help you with (because we study solely Information & IT/IP/Privacylaw)

1. Corporate structure – transactions Incorporation of your business – form of company; company sale/exit; how your company allocates shares, liability etc. between partners.

2. Employment law